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Amazon Launches New Dashboard for Returns Performance

Amazon Launches New Dashboard for Returns Performance

Amazon has recently launched an up-to-date dashboard displaying Returns Performance to help sellers monitor their returns statistics as well as to proactively address problems for manually managed returns.

The dashboard provides sellers more insight into their returns while focusing on three vital metrics for returns performance. These include:

  • Return requests that were approved over 24 hours ago: This refers to the number of requests manually approved over 24 hours from when the first request for return was received.
  • Return requests that are declined: Essentially, this is the number of requests declined by you, the seller.
  • Return-related customer contact rate: This metric will count one contact for each unique buyer requesting a return, irrespective of how many messages are sent by the buyer.

All of these performance metrics contain details of the metric performance, metric definition, target threshold for each metric, policy information, plus an explanation of the importance of each metric.

Amazon has simultaneously launched a Returns Analysis page, helping sellers to isolate and act on any listings that suffer from return issues. Additionally, by clicking Review Returns Performance, sellers can open a pop-up window inside the Manage Returns page, giving a summary of the metrics for returns performance.

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